ポツダム大学Caroline Féry教授ワークショップ、並びに講演会

Prof. Caroline Féry (Universität Potsdam) の講演予定

日本独文学会第37回語学ゼミナール(37. Linguistenseminar)で訪日するポツダム大学Caroline Féry教授のゼミナール以外の講演予定をお知らせいたします。皆様の御来聴をお待ち申し上げております。なお御照会は,各講演の連絡先もしくは田中までお尋ねください。(メールアドレスの_AT_は@に書き換えて御使用ください。)

Vortrag 1 (Workshop: „Syntax-Prosodie-Interface im nominalen Bereich“)
Prosodie und markierte Syntax

Es wird in diesem Vortrag spezifische Aspekte der Syntax-Prosodie Schnittstelle thematisiert. Der Rahmen des Vortrags ist die intonationelle Flexibilität des Deutschen, die es erlaubt, markierte syntaktische Struktur prosodisch zu modulieren. Zuerst werden die nominalen und präpositionalen gespaltenen Konstruktionen (Bücher hat Anna interessante gelesen) angesprochen. Er wird gezeigt, wie die Informationsstruktur die verschiedenen Optionen der Spaltung lenkt, und wie sie mithilfe der Prosodie auseinander gehalten werden. Die zweite Illustration dreht sich um die Korrelate der syntaktisches Rekursion in der Prosodie. Dabei geht es um Gruppierungen von Namen (Féry & Kentner 2008) und Relativsätze (Féry & Schubö 2009). Beide Themen werden mit experimentellen
Ergebnissen illustriert.


Mitsunobu YOSHIDA (Universität Hiroshima): „Kopulasaetze und Praedikatsnomina im Deutschen und Japanischen“(仮題)
Manshu IDE (Rikkyo Universität): „Relativsatz und Indefinitheit seines Bezugsnomens“
Shin TANAKA (Universität Chiba): „NP-Spaltung als (zweite) Praedikation“ (仮題)

日時:  9月2日(水) 14:30 ~ 18:30
場所:  広島大学総合科学部 第3会議室(事務棟2F)
主催:  広島大学総合科学部吉田研究室
連絡先: 吉田光演(mituyos_AT_hiroshima-u.ac.jp)

Vortrag 2 
Interfaces with information structure in a typological perspective

In this talk, the results of an experiment conducted in the same way in six languages (English, German, French, Finnisch, German and Mandarin) will be presented (Féry, Skopeteas & Hörnig 2009). The experiment elicited semi-spontaneous data from 16 to 30 native speakers per language. The participants had to describe verbally 11 localizations of toy animals relatively to each others. In each layout, one animal is new or displaced and functions as the locatum, that is the animal which is localized. The other animals were given, and played the role of the relatum. (1) illustrates a sentence with a locatum and a relatum. In the example, the word order is marked from the syntactic point of view, but unmarked from the information structure (the given animal is introduced before the new one):
(1) Now on the [gorilla’s]Rel right is a [horse]Loc
In a typological comparison, it is shown how word order, definiteness, and prosody are used to mark newness and givenness. From a syntactic point of view, the languages have more or less flexible word orders, and the serialization of constituents (SOV, SVO) differs. Changes in word order and prosody are motivated by information structure. From the point of view of prosody, an initial position in the sentence is better expresses a topic, and a late position expresses a focus better, but no correlate is obligatory. Clear tendencies arise from this experiment.

日時:  9月7日(火)15:00 ~ 16:30
場所:  上智大学L 号館8階 L-821 会議室
主催:  上智大学音声学研究室
共催:  上智大学国際言語情報研究所
連絡先: 日本独文学会語学ゼミナール実行委員会 (shtanaka_AT_faculty.chiba-u.jp)

Vortrag 3 別枠講演(日本音韻論学主催Phonology Forum内での講演)
The prosody of information structure
A model of the syntax-prosody interface will be presented which takes into consideration the import of information structure. At least two separate modules of grammar influence prosody. First, syntax exerts a modelling effect in the sense that it influences the formation of prosodic phrases. Larger syntactic constituents are mapped to larger prosodic constituents, and smaller syntactic constituents are mapped to smaller prosodic constituents. It will be assumed that prosodic constituents are recursive (Ito & Mester 2006, Kubozono 1988, 2007, Ladd 1992, Wagner 2005), contra the assumptions of the Strict Layer Hypothesis (Nepor & Vogel 1986, Selkirk 1984), which greatly simplifies the model. Second, information structure also has an effect on prosody. Its effect is different from the one of syntax: it is often felt on F0 register scaling. In the default case, prosodic phrases at the same level of phrasing are in a downstep relationship. But information structure can modify this. Narrow focus raises the register´s top line, whereas givenness lowers it. Postfocal and prefocal effects are often different (as for instance in German and in Japanese).
The predictions made by this model from a typological perspective are quite diverse, and very interesting. The influence of syntax always remains the same, but register as well as tonal structure at lower levels of phrasing can be modified in different ways across languages. Some experimental data using narrow focus, wide focus, and Second Occurrence Focus will be discussed, which compares German, Japanese and Hungarian.

日時:  8月24日(月)13:05~14:05
場所: 神戸大学文学部B棟1階視聴覚教室(B152)

第37回語学ゼミナール実行委員会 田中 愼(shtanaka_AT_faculty.chiba-u.jp)