
Einladung zum 10. DaF-Workshop
„Bewertung und Evaluation für die Erweiterung der Sprachfähigkeit der Lernenden“

日時:2008年3月1日(土)am 1. März 2008
第1部10. 30 ~13. 00、第2部14 : 30 ~17. 00
場所:流通科学大学 講義棟5、5212教室 Ryutsu-Kagaku Universität/Kobe
研究発表者: 渡部良典氏(上智大学教授)
呼びかけ人: 板山眞由美、森田昌美
Im 10. Didaktik Workshop an der Ryutsu-Kagaku Universität wird das Thema „Bewertung und Evaluation für die Erweiterung der Sprachfähigkeit der Lernenden“ aufgegriffen. Herr Prof. Dr. Watanabe und Herr Prof. Dr. Shizuka aus dem Bereich Englisch als Fremdsprache werden jeweils einen Workshop halten. Es wird versucht, das Thema aus verschiedenen Perspektiven zu beleuchten und davon ausgehend zu diskutieren. Bewertet wird ja nicht nur in der regulären Testsituation, sondern auch während der Unterrichtsstunden überhaupt, und auch bezüglich häuslicher Arbeiten wie Aufsätze. Der Workshop und die Diskussionen werden im Prinzip in japanischer Sprache geführt.


10.30 -13.00 Herr Prof. Dr. Yoshinori Watanabe (Sophia Universität)


Assessing Instruction
In this workshop, I will present a variety of instruments and methods for analyzing classroom data, and demonstrate using them on a range of the data sets gathered in various language classrooms. The purpose is to evaluate our own instructions rather than for checking the levels of our students’ achievement and performance. I have been involved in language education at various levels as a teacher and researcher for over 25 years, during which period one of my central principles has been that all teachers should be able to look at their own instructions objectively, so it may improve them; hence, the notion of ‘teacher-researcher.’ The teacher-researcher does not only seek to gain knowledge about the subject matter, but also needs to be able to understand his or her own instructions or teaching methodology. In order to gather information as to what happens in the classroom, to date a number of instruments have been developed for different purposes. The workshop is intended to help participants to choose from among a variety of those, and develop on them for constructing an appropriate instrument and method for investigating what they need to know. In so doing, they will be asked to analyze classroom data, including transcripts of classroom discourse, audio-recordings of language lessons, and so on. Though the data arise from classrooms where English is taught as a foreign language, I believe the research methodology will be readily applicable to any language classroom.

14.30-17.00 Herr Prof. Dr. Tetsuhito Shizuka (Kansai Universität)


Performance Testing by GGM
  One of my teaching principles is “Teaching is testing; testing is teaching.” By this I mean that (1) a class is the most effective in which every student’s every performance is assessed, and that (2) a test needs to be designed such that the test-taker’s proficiency will be enhanced by his or her effort to pass it. One method that makes possible this ideal is GGM, a technique for conducting one-on-one in-class performance tests.
   In this presentation, I will first elaborate on the ideas behind GGM, and then demonstrate some concrete examples of how this method can be put into practice at junior high and college levels. In either case, most of the class time is spent on conducting GGM-based performance tests, the results of which will add up to be the final grades for the semester. My informal observation indicates that students substantially improve their abilities through this experience, which is corroborated by their verbal comments. I believe that this type of performance testing will work well with Japanese students who learn German at university as well.
   If time permits, I will also talk about some written-test formats that I believe will benefit our students.

詳細問い合わせ、参加申し込み先 Fragen/Anmeldung bei Prof. Itayama (流通科学大学)
Tel. 078-796-4324 Mayumi_Itayama@red.umds.ac.jp