<早稲田大学言語情報研究所>Prof. Dr. Olaf Bärenfänger(ライプツィヒ大学) 講演会
ゲーテ・インスティトュートの招聘でアジアゲルマニスト会議(札幌)に来日されるProf. Dr. Olaf Bärenfänger(ライプツィヒ大学)をお招きし、下記のとおり講演会を開催いたします。

Prof. Dr. Olaf Bärenfänger (Universität Leipzig) 講演会
テーマ: The Common European Framework of Reference: How Does It Impact Foreign Language Learning?

日時: 2019年9月3日(火)15:00-16:30
場所: 早稲田大学早稲田キャンパス8号館4階412教室

主催: 早稲田大学言語情報研究所
共催: 早稲田大学情報教育研究所
科学研究費補助金基盤研究(C)「ドイツ語学習者の発話の非流暢性を発話の協働構築の観点から再検討する」(課題番号18K00889, 研究代表者:星井牧子・早稲田大学)
早稲田大学特定課題研究助成費(研究基盤形成)「留学によるドイツ語学習者の言語使用の変化に関する考察」(課題番号2019c-025, 研究代表者:星井牧子・早稲田大学)



The Common European Framework of Reference: How Does It Impact Foreign Language Learning?

Olaf Bärenfänger (Universität Leipzig)

The Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) constitutes a means to make various educational systems in Europe comparable, enhance multilingualism and pluriculturalism, and foster mobility in Europe. For this purpose, the CEFR provides a common yardstick to measure different levels of foreign language competence. The CEFR approach aims to describe communicative actions a learner is able to effectuate on one of six competence levels. Approximately 20 years after the publication of the CEFR, the Council of Europe has presented a “Companion Volume” to the CEFR. This document provides additional competence descriptors and introduces a new Pre-A1 level.
In this presentation, the major goals of the Council of Europe’s language policy will be examined. Its impact on language curricula, textbooks, language examinations, and teacher training will be illustrated by means of various examples. A brief introduction to the CEFR Companion Volume will give an overview of recent developments in the teaching and learning of foreign languages. There will be ample time to discuss how the CEFR might be beneficial in teaching foreign languages in the Japanese context.

星井牧子(早稲田大学法学部 mhoshii[at]waseda.jp)まで。[/Ja]